With Cognitive Therapy: Your mind is very powerful, your thoughts, and especially your beliefs about your life and about yourself, are even more powerful. You hold your Universe in your hands through the power of your beliefs. Hypnosis is another powerful method to change reality, from a negative to a positive one, to resolve emotional and physical problems and to successfully manifest your desires, Your life is a reflection of your innermost beliefs and you create your reality mostly based on subterranean beliefs that have been stored in your mind, since childhood. Unfortunately most of these subconscious beliefs originate from negative experiences in early childhood and from totally false ideas about yourself, which, people you trusted (family members, school teachers, clergy authorities, school mates) might have conditioned you to believe. These include thoughts such as “ I am a slow learner” "I am not good with numbers” "I am not a successful person” “There is something wrong with me” . After hearing this information repeatedly, you started to believe in these illusions about yourself and even if you forgot about them, they became the belief pattern of your subconscious mind. So even if you are not aware of having these beliefs, they are still in your system and are guiding most of your life, every day. It is scientifically proven that we live 95% of our lives, from a subconscious level. The subconscious intelligence is responsible for our breathing, our digestion, our immune system, our nails and hair growing ,our organs functions. It has 95% of the mind's power and it is stronger, than the conscious intelligence, it is stubborn, loves routines, clings to familiar thought patterns, even if destructive, is afraid of changes, and always prevails over the conscious mind. As a result, those subconscious destructive beliefs run in the background, like a virus in your computer, even if you are unaware of it, attracting by default, circumstances, conditions and people you do not like, and ending sabotaging your positive goals and desires. So if you want to change your reality from negative to positive, rather than trying doing it through your rational mind, using will power, you need to identify and change those negative, false beliefs in the subconscious. And consequently, as the Law of Attraction shows us, when your desires are finally aligned with the subconscious beliefs, you can be able to change your life for the better and to change your reality! This can be safely achieved through hypnotherapy. Hypnosis is actually the most effective and successful method to achieve this result! There are so many misconceptions about hypnosis. I think it stems from the confusion between Stage Hypnosis, which has the purpose of impressing the audience and is pure entertainment, and hypnotherapy, which is the therapeutic part of hypnosis. Hypnosis is a very natural state of mind, you are under hypnosis just before falling asleep and before you are quite awaken in the morning, or even when you drive on a very familiar road. If you are in a hypnotic state you are extremely relaxed, both physically and mentally, feeling a sense of well being, and are mentally and physically in control! Sometimes, when needed, I use Hypnosis in conjunction with EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique) another powerful and effective Energy Medicine method which also works on the core of negative subconscious beliefs! To see if this service may help you, take advantage of my Free Hypnotherapy 15 Min. Phone Consultation. Here you will find more info about my Hypnosis Program for Weight Loss or Stop Smoking TRY A "PAST LIFE REGRESSION" Done under hypnosis, for a most effective result, to reclaim a part of yourself that you lost by taking a vow or soul agreement of poverty or chastity in previous lives,that keep you stuck! To find out more about the Past life Regression, and/or schedule the session, call 503-298-6722 To schedule a hypnotherapy session, call (503) 298-6722, then pay for the session on this page. For questions or concerns, email me Rates For Hypnotherapy Sessions (75-90 min)- Costs stay at 2011 rates One Hypnotherapy Session . . . . . . . . . . . . $140 or $145 if paid by Credit Card One Hypnotherapy Session with Coaching or Reading (2 hours) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $220.00 You can schedule your regular hypnosis session here 1 Hypnosis Session- By Phone/In Person $135 or $140.00 if paid by credit card Buy Now>> Then scroll down to the HYPNOTHERAPY session & select it Discounted Packages :
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Inspirational Quotes
It is exciting to know that a new branch of genetic biology, Epigentetics, also shows that, by changing our beliefs, we can not only make positive changes in every area of our lives, but we can even change our health, improve from any condition, and change our DNA, since by changing beliefs, the biochemistry in our bodies is also changed! Did you know that beliefs, like thoughts, are made of waves of energy, they generate electro-magnetic fields of energy, the same energy that is in our bodies, and around our bodies and between our bodies and other objects?. In fact, even modern medicine, shows that thoughts' magnetic energy fields can be measured through EEG and now also through MEG (magnetoencephalography)
Everything in the Universe, is made of 99.999999 of energy, from the stars and planets to rocks and trees, from the furniture, and the air we breathe to our minds and bodies,. So it makes sense that just by changing the electromagnetic energy of our thoughts and beliefs, we can change the energy in our bodies and around us,and change our reality, since everything is made of the same energy stuff, the same “Quantum Foam , as coined by physicist John Wheeler. |
Disclaimer: The information displayed in this website is exclusively informative and the owners of this website, do not know how your body /mind may react if you use Hypnosis or any other Intuitive Service listed on this website. And if Hypnosis will help you reach the desired results with your issue or questions. By reading the content on this website you are assuming total responsibility for eventual unknown side effects if you use Hypnosis, after reading the content published on this website. No content presented in this website is meant as medical advice and should not be used for diagnosis or medical care. Hypnosis is not a substitute for medical treatment, The owner of this website is not a licensed health care practitioner, so if you have a physical illness/injury, or psychological disorders, is highly advised that you seek medical advice/care. The owner of this website does not accept any responsibility for any liabilities deriving from the actions of any parties involved
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